Starbit Smart Queue Systems

Main Features:

  • Manage several ques at the same time
  • Automatic waiting time balance
  • Mobile Queue
  • Durable hardware for public use
  • ECO-sensors
  • Online statistics
  • AirSwipe
  • Automatic open/close function.
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Starbit Smart Queue Systems

Keep your business up to date 

In need of a smoother, less stressful and more efficient business? We got the solution. Starbit’s smart Que System creates more time for each individual sale. The staff can prioritize customers or hasting matters. That creates a better flow for both staff and customers.

Our smart Queue System makes any business more efficient, reduces manual work from staff and streamlines the management of customers’ waiting time.

Customer Benefits 

By using Starbit Air Swipe the customers can make choices without touching the screen. Premade choices give the customers an ease of use. By swiping up-, down, left- or right the customer can navigate and find whatever he needs.

By scanning a QR Code the customer doesn’t have to wait in line for his turn. A text will notify the customer in good time and prepare him for his special matters. That gives him time to walk in the store – and find new interesting goods to put in the shopping cart.

Benefits for you 

All information comes in real time. Statistical updates will be presented on an ongoing basis. That gives you an opportunity to prepare for intensive hours. What hours – or days –  do you need more staff?